These one-of-a-kind sophisticated events elevate professionals while giving practical instruction on meeting like-minded professionals. The men and women who attend these events leave with real-world tools that shape their professional and personal lives.
Deborah McMurray, CEO and Strategy Architect at Content Pilot is presenting at Bubbles, Bites & Bits of Wisdom on May 9, 2019 in San Francisco.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
5:30 PM 8:30 PM
The Sunny Side of Shame: A Survivor’s Story
“Shame” is a universal experience that every human being encounters at some point in their lives. Whether caused by sexual abuse, addiction, bullying, poverty, mental illness, sexual identification, multiple marriages or partners, doing poorly in school or at work, cheating – or any form of failure, real or perceived, shame is the single-cell that grows and morphs into the insidious feeling that we are inferior and worth less than others. Shame can drive us to create one or more false identities, force us into secrecy, sabotage true connections with those around us and threaten our future – at home and at work.
However – and thankfully(!) – there is a sunny side that will inspire you to reframe your experiences, recognize shame-behaviors in others, intervene when your own shame-story simply won’t let go and find joy in new (and perhaps unexpected) sources of meaning.
Deborah McMurray will share her story of growing up as a secret-keeper and the circuitous path that ultimately led her to say “Enough.” Lawyers and other professionals who rely on their reputation, character and emotional intelligence to develop effective client and colleague relationships must recognize and conquer shame to maximize their opportunities for success and unequivocal joy.
Deborah’s goal is to share practical ideas on how professionals can craft their own pathway to The Sunny Side of Shame – by owning it and learning how to surmount it. She will help professionals identify their shame-triggers and combat the debilitating effects of shame in their personal and professional lives.
VENUE: Littler
333 Bush Street, 34th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104
General Admission – $60