If you have the luxury of hiring a professional to write your lawyer bios, GREAT. Our advice here doesn’t replace that. What our advice does is guide you as you explore ChatGPT using lawyer bios as a vehicle.
Like with your legal work – regardless of practice – generative AI is not going to replace your brainpower, judgment and experience. But what it can do is help you streamline tasks, conduct research and save time. You can use this time savings to improve your bio in five important ways.
You may recall our Ten Foundational Practices. Using our best practice research and experience, here are some prompts to use with ChatGPT to enhance your lawyer’s bio.
But first: copy and paste your bio draft into ChatGPT.
01. Help me identify content that’s not in active voice.
Writing in an active voice makes the bio clearer and more concise. Let ChatGPT assist you in identifying and transforming passive voice constructions into active ones.
02. Our bios should be conversational in tone – identify content that’s not conversational and give me suggestions for rewriting it.
Lawyer bios should resonate with readers on a conversational level. While individuality is key, lawyer bios should, at the very least, mirror natural speech patterns. Beyond “conversational,” align bios to your firm’s strategy and brand voice. Provide ChatGPT with strategic context to fine-tune the conversational tone effectively.
03. Does the bio have enough scannable elements to make it interesting for the reader?
This is especially important with more experienced lawyers who have more from which to draw. Make it easy for your readers to consume the bio to ensure they can effortlessly absorb the content.
04. Is the content client-focused? It should tell the lawyer’s story in a way that’s helpful to prospects and clients.
A truly impactful lawyer bio should not only tell the attorney’s story but should also cater to the needs of prospects and clients. To maximize the effectiveness of the bio, dig deeper into specifics. Understand the clients your lawyer currently serves and aspires to work with in the future. Tailor the bio’s content to address what matters to them.
05. Do the first 2-3 sentences describe the lawyer’s practice and the type, size, location, and industry sector of clients represented?
Grab your reader’s attention right from the beginning. The first 2-3 sentences should describe the lawyer’s practice and showcase their expertise. Include details about the types of clients they represent, the size of these clients, their geographic location, and the industry sectors they specialize in. By placing these outcomes up front, you immediately communicate the lawyer’s value proposition.
Check out the rest of our Ten Foundational Best Practices for law firm websites here.