Milton Glaser is one of the most celebrated graphic designers in America – perhaps the world. He is famous for saying, “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”
We agree. And we find that designing for professional services firms is just as invigorating, provocative and exciting as designing for a luxury brand or major beverage company. When you start with the unique strategy that we create for each client, the design possibilities are just as far-reaching.
Why do so many professional services firm websites look alike?
Three reasons: 1) No courage. 2) No strategy. 3) Fear of claiming a differentiating position. And a fourth reason is that too many designers look at “law firms” or “accounting firms” and all they see are law books, gavels, tax forms and spreadsheets. These uninspiring websites are not immune from large price tags, either. There are plenty of websites that cost well into the six-figures – or even seven-figures – that aren’t distinguishing, hard-working assets for the sponsor firms.
The rise of “template design” makes it easy for a firm to quickly ramp up a new website at a low cost. If your goal is “to have a presence on the Internet,” this isn’t a bad approach. If your goal is to build and grow a world-class practice and firm – regardless of your size and reach – this approach won’t serve you well. Remember that the local dry cleaner, florist and dog-walker have access to those same templates.
How does Content Pilot avoid falling into this trap?
Strategy, first. Rigor and discipline, second. What really distinguishes our work over our competitors is that we truly understand our client and give them the most creative solution that money can buy.
We design for your firm five years from now. Sometimes that means in design presentations that our clients’ palms may get sweaty. But at the end of the day, our clients trust the vision that we see for them, and we seldom have to scale-back our design to better fit their comfort zone.
Our approach is collaborative – we view our clients (whether marketers, lawyers or CPAs) as vital team members who motivate us to do our best. Clients hire us to lead them to their future. And we do this through beautiful, breathtaking design.
Design that works is a team sport
Without effective strategists, disciplined and skilled project managers, capable developers – and willing clients – we would not have the award-winning track record and success that we have. We invite all the personalities and points of view from start to finish. Each voice strengthens what we ultimately deliver to our clients, which is the absolute best problem-solving product in the end.
Awards and recognition
Content Pilot designers and their work have been recognized by the following organizations:
- Webbys
- Daveys
- AAM International
- Clio
- published in GDUSA
- Service Industry Advertising Awards
- W3 Awards
- Addys
- Marcom Awards
- Color and Design awards
- American Graphic Design Awards
- Southeast LMA
- LMA Your Honor Awards